Vanessa Kachadurian Armenian Businesses

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Vanessa Kachadurian-Armenia strengthening business in Europe and Persian Gulf
YEREVAN. - A total of AMD 6.2 billion from Armenia’s state budget was allocated to embassies and diplomatic representations aboard in 2010, which is AMD 2.2 billion more as compared to the same period in 2009. The spending increased after opening new Armenian embassies in Japan, Czech Republic, Brazil, the Netherlands, Spain, Kuwait and Iraq.
Opening of new embassies in European countries was due to the need to strengthen Armenia’s presence in Europe in the light of the country’s European integration, Armenia’s Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Manasaryan said, presenting the report on 2010 budget fulfillment.
“The opening of the embassy in Kuwait was economically expedient and was conditioned by Armenia’s aspiration to strengthen its presence in the Persian Gulf,” he added.
According to him, Armenia state budget received AMD 2 billion from embassies in the reporting period mostly due to state duty.